Transferproject T1
Transferproject T1
Quality assurance system for powders used in selective laser beam melting of polymers
Aim of the project is the scientific development of a quality assurance system for polymer powders used in laser beam melting. The quality assurance system is based on two methods. First, an empirical model for ageing of polymers will be established, which considers beside chemical additionally physical ageing mechanism. The model is based on experimentally determined bulk material properties as well as rheological and thermal properties of the present material system. The material model in combination with process data allows the prediction of the ageing state and will lead to a demonstrator software, which will be experimentally validated. Furthermore, a measuring system will be developed, which allows for determination of powder flowability at elevated temperatures and rheological properties of the polymer melt. After validation, the quality assurance system will be transferred to a demonstrator system in close cooperation with the industry partner.
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dietmar Drummer
Institute of Polymer Technology (LKT)
Lehrstuhl für Kunststofftechnik (LKT, Prof. Drummer)
- Telefon: +49 9131 85-71001
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Dr. rer. nat. Jochen Schmidt
Institute of Particle Technology (LFG)
Lehrstuhl für Interfaces und Partikeltechnologie
- Telefon: +49 9131 85-29404
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